This calendar includes all rehearsal dates, important events, and concerts for all TYM ensembles. Please save this calendar and check it often as some dates are subject to change.
Please see below for important dates pertaining to each ensemble. Use the dropdown arrow beside "agenda" on the calendar to filter your results. Below the calendar are links to each individual calendar for you to download or a document with important dates listed. Note: The documents linked below are live documents and subject to change.
Full Orchestras:
Triangle Youth Philharmonic (TYP):
Triangle Youth Symphony (TYS):
Triangle Youth Orchestra (TYO):
String Orchestras:
Triangle Youth String Sinfonia (TYSS):
Triangle Youth String Orchestra (TYSO):
Jazz Ensembles:
Triangle Youth Jazz Ensemble (TYJE):
Triangle Youth Jazz Orchestra (TYJO):
Triangle Youth Jazz Band (TYJB):
Triangle Youth Jazz Lab (TYJL):
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